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One word will change your life.
All or your life.
Commit to this one word, and everything changes. Your present. Your future. And your understanding of the past.
This is not my idea. It’s not the idea of some psycho-therapist guru or some ivory-tower think tank. It’s God’s idea. And it has been for all eternity.
Do you want to experience joy and peace in your life; the liberty to really love, and be loved? Do you want to experience freedom from fear, doubt and anxiety; deliverance from the wounds and disappointment of the past … from those powerfully painful episodes that have defined who you are emotionally and determined your perception of yourself? Do you want to be rescued?
One word. And it’s guaranteed to work.
I believe that most men, if not all men, are hiding.
Inside my heart, at the very bottom, in the tip at the end of my heart, are stored the most pain-filled memories of my life. Those memories, the grief they’ve caused and the characteristics they have defined in my self-perception, are stored in an inaccessible vault, hidden from sight, chained and bound forever in that secret place in my heart.
I am in bondage to those things I keep hidden and imprisoned in the most remote parts of my heart, the places where regret lives. How do I get to those defining memories when they are locked so far away? It takes courage. And it takes obedience.
Courage and obedience are the antidotes for regret. Courage and obedience are the keys to the most hidden parts of my heart. Courage and obedience can free me from the person I’ve lived like for decades – because that is who I thought I was – and allow me to live the life God always intended for me. My real life. Full, rich, free.
To rescue the hidden hearts of men we need to resurrect courage and obedience and install them as the defining attributes of our character.
The antidote for fear is not courage.
The antidote for fear is obedience.