Over the past eight years, as I wrote and rewrote Rescuing Hidden Hearts, and as God continued to pour His insights into my heart in the early mornings, there were sections or snippets of the book that didn’t seem to be necessary or in the right place. A number of those snippets found themselves into my “Cut File”. Some, unfortunately, never emerged again.
This one I never went back to. Sorry, now, that I didn’t. Because these are powerful words on courage. Powerful words that came to me in prayer. I believe, from the Holy Spirit.
Courage is especially necessary if you are afraid. If a soldier is to fulfill and complete his duty in the face of the enemy, knowing he could be wounded or captured, courage is required. Courage is indispensable if you cherish life … if you are fearful that your next step might endanger your life. But you must take the step anyway. Because it is your duty. Because not to take the step would endanger those you love.
Courage replaces regret. Obedience denies regret a place. Obedience destroys regret.
One area in which I needed to show courage, in which I still at times need to show courage, is in being diligent to protect my mind from pollution. There’s a lot of pollution I avoid. But … I love to read. And I’m always looking for “good; clean” books to read. Sometimes that gets me in trouble when I pick up a book that I know nothing about. Or at times when a book is recommended to me.
These words came to me one morning after my courage was lacking.
My Prayer: “Father, forgive me for not putting down the (author’s name) book as soon as the suggestive scene started.”
The Holy Spirit to my heart: Skipping over it is not an option. The words are there; the scene still pollutes and gets into your mind. It’s much more difficult to wipe an idea or memory from your mind than to close a book at the first sign of indecency or the first words that are inappropriate or polluting—the first curse word. Yes. It has a meaning. The words are curses! Who is cursed? The hearer. The curses are spoken from one mind to another mind. The cursed is the receiver.
Obedience destroys regret. And sometimes, obedience refuses curses a place to land.
Father, I plead for the blood of Jesus to purify my mind: purify my conscious mind, my unconscious mind and my subconscious mind. Purify every thought, every emotion, every imagination, every image, every picture, every memory. Blood of Jesus purify my mind.